Nach Westen – going west

Even the longest stop comes to an end

Today even the longest “stop” of my trip comes to an end. Over the last three and a half weeks in NZ I experienced an awesome country. I found breathtaking views, stunning moments and once more made tons of new friends from all over the world. I went hiking, camping, rafting, skydiving, kayaking, sailing, diving and much more stuff you normally hardly do in such a timeframe 😀

Though of course I am looking forward to the next adventures, it is not without some sadness that I have to leave this place. Definitely one of those – many – places I have to come back to one day. But at least the weather today in Christchurch makes leaving a bit easier – and the security check at the Christchurch airport was by far the fastest, easiest and most friendly one 🙂

Fast 4500 Kilometer habe ich hinter mir gelassen

I travelled nearly 4500 kilometers around here

Meistens mit ziemlich vielen Gründen nicht nur auf die Straße zu schauen ;)

With lots of reasons to keep your eyes off the road 😉

Ja, der See sieht wirklich so aus - und ist dabei wohl trotzdem noch Trinkwasser...

Yep, that lake looks really like that. And is supposed to be potable after all.

Berg in Sicht!

I see a mountain!

Der da. Mt Cook - der höchste Hügel der hier so rumsteht

That one. Mt Cook – the largest hill around here

Happy life.

Happy life.

Waren auch nur 2200 Stufen bis zum Glück (und wieder runter)

And there were only 2200 steps on the way to heaven (plus the way back…)

Gut, wenn man zur Abwechselung auf der richtigen Seite der Wetterscheide ist :)

Nice to be on the good side of the weather divide for a change 🙂


Alpine rock band?!

Oder nur vom Winde verweht?

Or just blown away?

Southern Cross - wenn man weiß wo man hingucken muss ;-)

Southern Cross – if you know where to look 😉

Noch mehr Happy People

More happy people

Ausblicke wohin man auch schaut (ja, von dem Berg hab ich ein paar Bilder...)

Great views wherever you look (yeah, I got plenty of pictures of that mountain)

Und damit gute Nacht Neuseeland - es geht wieder nach Westen!

And that’s it. Have a good night NZ – I’m going westwards again!


Well… and while I am finishing this post, I hopped on a flight where I was barely able to finish a movie and now I’m already on another country- a small world this is 😀

Welcome to Australia!

Welcome to Australia! Once more a hostel with a roof top view…

3 thoughts on “Even the longest stop comes to an end

  1. BODARD Anne

    Tolle Bergbilder! Ich wusste nicht , dass es in Neuseeland so hohe Bergen gibt!
    Das Bild wo du mit deinen zwei Freunde springst sieht wie eine tolle Werbung für amerikanischen Hollywood Kaugummis! Hast du von den zwei Beiden wieder was gehört?

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